Your Go-To IT Service Provider in Raleigh and Durham, NC

Serving Raleigh and Durham Businesses

Does your business require dependable IT services in Raleigh or Durham, NC? Our team at ATCOM has a plethora of experience in the technology industry serving businesses of all sizes. ATCOM offers cybersecurity, IT strategy and virtual CIO services, cloud solutions, Mitel Unified Communications, and managed IT services in Durham, NC and Raleigh, NC. Our 24/7 tech support, proactive maintenance, world class security, and compliance standards will ensure your business remains secure and reliable for your customers.

Why Should Your Business Hire ATCOM?

If you have been on the hunt for a well-known and trusted tech support team, you are in the right place. Here are a few reasons to hire us as  your IT service provider in Raleigh and Durham.

  • Experience: ATCOM has served North Carolina communities for over 40 years with dependable managed IT services. In fact, we were voted NC Top 40 Family Friendly Companies three times and NC’s Top 50 Technology Companies two times, which demonstrates our commitment to customers like you.
  • Availability: Our 24/7 availability makes us stand out as an IT service provider in Raleigh and Durham, NC. Your business’s security is crucial, which is why our team at ATCOM is here to handle any and all emergencies or issues that arise day or night.
  • Tailored Services: We personalize our managed IT services in Durham, NC and Raleigh, NC to your business’s unique needs. With compliance, security, and communication being important aspects of our work, you will always be in the loop when it comes to serving your business’s technological and cybersecurity needs.

Get in Touch With Our Team Today

Ready to get started with reliable IT services Raleigh and Durham business. owners rely on most? Contact our team at ATCOM to learn more about how our tech experts can assist your company. We’re eager to meet your team!